First Week Of School

It has been a hectic week here at WOHS. My first day of school went fairly smoothly, although it felt chaotic. High School has been a pretty easy adjustment, and so far I am enjoying it. I hope the whole school year continues go this well. I have plenty of wonderful teachers to keep me learning this year, and I hope other students have an equal, or better first week than I have.

What PETA Overlooked and Exaggerated

1) What is FFA?


FFA, or Future Farmers of America, is not just about Farming, or working in a barn. The FFA organization is more than that, FFA is about people. The organization is designed to help high schoolers  work towards career preparation.

2) Why are we so passionate?

We are focused on working toward our goal. Anyone can help out right? That is our focus, not on animals it’s on people. Our goal is to shape youth across America into professional business men and women.

Mechanics in ffa

3) Animals.

Animals are a huge part of the FFA, mainly because they can provide a great learning experience. Cows, pigs, chickens, turtles, cats, dogs, and the list goes on, all of these are perfect examples of the animals we care for. When you take care of an animal you create a bond, you are also building responsibility for yourself and others. We do raise animals for food, but they serve other purposes as well. We show animals in contests, judge their health , and their products like meat or milk.

88th Annual FFA convention Held in Louisville, Kentucky


4) SAE’s CDE’s And LDE’s

SAE’s are Supervised Agricultural Experiences, SAE’s can be almost anything. SAE’s can be an animal, a business, or even just growing a plant as long as it is approved and supervised by an ag teacher. CDE’s, or Career Development Experience, are teams like farm business, or vet tech. CDE’s are designed to help you build you career skills, and money management. Lastly, LDE’s, Leadership Development Event, are quiz teams, ag issues, or chapter conducting.

   FFA’s 83rd annual convention Indiana. 54k people attended.

5) Conclusion

In summary FFA is not about doing inhumane things to animals, or making up teams to judge dead animals. FFA is centered around people, and our goal is to help them.



Genius Hour.

So far I am still in the research phase. I’ve already come up with my idea and I will be using a Raspberry PI for my project.  In the project I plan to automate , or improve something wth the PI. A few ideas have popped into my head , my favorite being a smart speaker, but that’s a little out of my coding skill. Apart from the smart speaker already being in existence, which I’m sure amazon wouldn’t be pleased with the stolen idea, my skill level only permits me to build simple games that only takes a calculator type LCD to display. I am thinking that now I should make some sort of game; what comes to mind easily is a dog chase cat sort of thing. When in the game you would be a dog running after a cat in a 2D playing experience. This still seems out of my skill level even after passing a whole chapter of coding on a java platform. Who knows maybe one day you will see this blog post and go “Oh yeah! I remember that game!”.







Life is everywhere and if you walk outside and look around though a small area, or microhabitat, there are many things. We got into groups and did an experiment on this and found quite some odd ,or out of place items. A zip-lock bag that we took samples in contained items that didn’t exactly belong there. The space was under a few saplings not old enough to have bark nor were they oak. Our observations conclude that animals must have dragged them there.